cellular respiration provides energy for body maintenance and voluntary activities
balance of energy intake and expenditure is required to maintain a healthy weight
how do your cells extract energy from fuel molecules?
the answer involves the transfer of electrons in chemical reactions
electrons removed from fuel molecules oxidation are transferred to NAD+ ( reduction)
NAD passes electrons to an electron transport chain as electrons " fall" from carrier and finally to 02 energy is released
formulas loss of hydrogen atoms becomes oxidizied C6h1206 glucose + 602+ 6co2+ 6 H20+ ATP+ heat gain of hydrogen atoms becomes reduced
overview of cellular respiration in three stages
the three main stages of cellular respiration which one does not take place in mitochondria?
stage 1 glycolysis harvests chemical energy oxidizing glucose to pyruvate
atp used prime a glucose molecule which is spilt into two
three carbon intermediates are oxidized to two molecules of pyruvate yielding a net of 2 atp and 2 naop H
atp formed by substrate level phosphorlyation which a phosphate group transferred from an organic molecule to ADP
for each glucose molecule processed what are the net molecular products of glucolysis multiple reactions in glycolysis spilt glucose into two molecules
sequential steps of glycolysis illustrate how in metabolic pathway each chemical step feeds into the next
compounds that form between an initial reaction and a final product are known as intermediates
energy investment phase actually consumes energy in this phase two molecules of ATP used to add a phosphate group to each glucose molecule
spilt into two small sugars
step 1- consume energy
step 2- yield energy
stage 1 glycolysis occurs in cytosol begins in cellular respiration and breaks down glucose into two molecules of a three carbon compound called pynluvate
stage 2 pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle take place in mitochondria complete the breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and supply the third stage of respiration with electrons
stage 3 oxidative phosphorylation involves electron transport and chemiosmosis
NADH and a related electron carrier FADH shuttle electrons to electron transport chains embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane
most of the atp produced by cellular respiration is generated by oxidative phosphorlyation
the electrons are finally passed to oxygen which becomes reduced to H20