upthrust and atmospheric pressure

Cards (7)

  • what is upthrust?
    when an object is submerged in a fluid the pressure of the fluid exerts a force on it from every direction
    pressure increases with depth so the force exerted at the bottom is larger which is the resultant force upthrust
  • upthrust is equal to the weight of the fluid that has been displaced by the object
  • the object floats if the weight is equal to the upthrust causing a balance
  • if the weight is greater than the upthrust then the object sinks
  • the object that is less dense than the fluid will displace a volume of fluid that is equal to its weight
  • atmospheric pressure is created is created on the surface by air molecules colliding
  • as the altitude increases the atmospheric pressure decreases because the atmosphere becomes less dense so there is fewer air particles to collide with the surface