Specifies which AMSs and/or goods are eligible for Phil. ATIGA preferential rates
Products in Schedule H of ATIGA shall not be subject to import duties reduction or elimination
To avail of preferential FTA/EP tariffs
1. Product must be originating and comply with ROO
2. Product must be in the inclusionlist
3. Proof of Origin must be provided
Reciprocal Tariff Rate Treatment
Provision in ACFTA and AKFTA that enables a good placed in the Sensitive Track (ST) List of the exporting Partner to have an applied rate lower than the MFN rate of the importing Partner
Taxes levied on goods entering (import tariffs) or exiting (export tariffs) a country
Imposed to protect domestic producers (protective tariffs)
Imposed to raise revenue for the government (revenue tariffs)
Types of tariffs
Specific tariffs (fixed duty on a good)
Ad-valorem tariffs (percentage of the good's value)
Compound tariffs (combination of specific and ad valorem)
Tariff-rate quota
A two-tier quota system that combines characteristics of both tariffs and quotas
Tariff-rate quota system
1. Initial quota allowed at lower duty rate
2. Imports above quota levied higher tariff rate
Tariff distortion
When the level of tariff assigned to a good is not proportionate to the good's degree of processing
With tariff liberalization, the tariff gap between types of goods will be negligible to none
Export duty
Tax levied on goods exiting a country
Export duties on all export products (except for logs) were abolished under E.O. 26 (s. of 1986)
Logs have a 20% export duty
MFN tariff
Most-Favored-Nation tariff applied to imported goods not eligible for preferential tariff treatment
MFN treatment
Non-discrimination principle of the WTO where Members must impose equal treatment to all WTO Members