Christianity is the main religion in Great Britain
Main traditions of Christianity
Belief in one Supreme Being, God
Different branches of Christianity
Catholic - based in Rome and led by the Pope
Orthodox - split from Catholic Christianity in 1054 CE and practised in Eastern Europe
Protestant - split from Catholic Christianity in the 16th century and branched out into different denominations (distinct groups), e.g. Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, United Reformed Churches
Protestants agree that the Bible is the only authority for Christians
The creator and sustainer of all that exists, works throughout history and inspires people to do God's will
People can have a relationship with God through prayer
Spirit (neither male nor female) but has qualities of both, holy (set apart for a special purpose and worthy of worship)
God's son, the true representation of God on earth
God is the Supreme Being who is all-powerful, has unlimited authority
God uses his power to do good, shows his love by creating humans and caring for them, showed his love by sending God's Son, Jesus, to earth
God is a just judge of humankind, will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression
If God is benevolent, why does God allow people to suffer, and to hurt others?
Christians believe a just God treats people fairly, so they trust God even when things seem to be going wrong
If God is omnipotent, why does God not prevent evil and suffering, such as the suffering caused by natural disasters?
Christians believe a just God treats people fairly, so they trust God even when things seem to be going wrong
If God is just, why does God allow injustice to take place?
Christians believe a just God treats people fairly, so they trust God even when things seem to be going wrong
Christians believe there are three persons in the one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Each person of the Trinity is fully God
The persons of the Trinity are not the same
God the Father
The creator of all life, acts as a good father towards his children, is all powerful (omnipotent), all loving (omnibenevolent), all knowing (omniscient) and present everywhere (omnipresent)
God the Son
Became incarnate through Jesus who was both fully human while on earth and fully God at all times, called the Son of God to show his special relationship to God the Father
God the Holy Spirit
The unseen power of God at work in the world, who influences, guides and sustains life on earth
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit existed from the beginning and were involved in the creation
Many Christians believe that the story of the creation in Genesis, while not scientifically accurate, contains religious truth
Some Christians believe that God made the world in literally six days
God created everything out of choice and created everything 'good'
Christians believe that God continues to create new life today
Although God the Father is referred to as the creator, the Holy Spirit was active in the creation, according to Genesis
In John's gospel, everything was created through the Word, who was both with God and was God. The Word refers to the Son of God who entered history as Jesus
Christians believe that the Son of God, the Word of God, was involved in the creation
Christians believe that Jesus was God in human form
Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God, one of the persons of the Trinity
Mary conceived Jesus without having sex, which is evidence for the Christian belief that Jesus was the Son of God, part of the Trinity
Through the incarnation, God showed himself as a human being (Jesus) for around 30 years
Fully God and fully human, which helps explain his miracles and resurrection, his words, deeds and promises have great authority because they are the word of God
Most Jews expected a Messiah who would come to save Israel and establish an age of peace, but do not believe that Jesus was that person
Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah, but a spiritual rather than a political one
Jesus was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate, a death by crucifixion (fixed to a cross)
Jesus forgave those who crucified him and promised one of the men crucified with him that he would join God inparadise
Jesus' body was buried in a cave-like tomb
Jesus' crucifixion
Although Jesus was fully God, he was also fully human so suffered pain and horror