1. Check client's identification and condition.
2. Explain the purpose and procedure to the client.
3. Wash hands and wear clean disposable gloves.
4. Prepare needed supplies, (all supplies listed previously plus a gauze-padded tongue depressor or forceps with rolled gauze). 4.1 Prepare sodium bicarbonate solution (3 pinches plus 2/3 water in gallipot). 4.2 Soak all the gauze-padded tongue depressor into the solution.
5. Close the curtain or door to the room. Put screen.
6. Keep the client in side lying position. Place enough pillows for extremities.
7. Place disposable pad or towel covering the neck and chest area.
8. Place kidney basin over the towel or pad.
9. Inspect oral cavity for ulcers, bleeding, swelling, cavities and dental caries.
10. 10. Clean oral surfaces. Ask the client to open the mouth and insert the padded tongue depressor gently from the angle of mouth towards the back molar area.
11. 11. Clean the client's teeth from incisors to molars using up and down movements from gums to crown. Clean oral cavity also from proximal to distal, outer to inner parts using cotton ball attached to a forceps for each stroke.
12. 12. Discard used cotton ball into the kidney basin.
13. 13. Clean tongue from inner to outer aspect.
14. 14. Rinse oral cavity 14.1 Provide tap water to gargle mouth and position kidney basin. 14.2 If client cannot gargle by him/herself rinse the areas using moistened CB. 14.3 Assist to discard the month contents by suctioning any excess fluid.
15. 15. Confirm the condition of client's teeth, gums, mucosa and tongue
16. 16. Wipe and apply lubricant or lip balm.
17. 17. Reposition client comfortably
18. 18. Replace all supplies in proper place
19. 19. Discard dirt properly. Remove gloves and wash hands.
20. 20. Document and report for any abnormal findings.