English Vocab (Spring 2024) quiz 2

Subdecks (1)

Cards (57)

  • esoteric
    intended for or likely to be understood by only a few people with specialized knowledge or interest; abstract
  • abstruse
    difficult to understand because it is so deep & intellectually challenging
  • enigmatic
    tough to figure out like a riddle or puzzle; mysterious
  • lucid
    expressed clearly; easily understandable
  • epiphany
    a moment of sudden revelation or insight; a manifestation of a divine or supernatural being; a meaningful realization
  • didactic
    intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive; instructive
  • doctrinal
    relating to a doctrine, a belief or set of beliefs held & taught by a Church, political party, or other group
  • serendipity
    the occurrence & development of events by chance--happily or beneficially
  • fluke
    an unlikely chance occurrence, esp. a surprising piece of luck
  • fortuitous
    happening by accident or chance rather than design
  • metamorphosis
    a complete change of character, appearance, or condition; transformation
  • ephemeral
    lasting for a very short time;short-lived
  • transitory
    not permanent; temporary
  • interminable
    endless, everlasting
  • archetype

    an original that has been imitated; a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology
  • paradigm
    a typical example or pattern of something accepted by a society; a model
  • ruminate
    to deeply think about something, repeatedly; contemplate; ponder
  • prosaic
    lacking poetic beauty; commonplace; unimaginative
  • mundane
    lacking interest or excitement: dull in that it's of the ordinary world, unlike heaven
  • pedestrian
    lacing inspiration or excitement; dull in that it lacks effort (anyone can do it, like walking)
  • explicate

    to unfold something to make it clearer & easier to understand; elucidate
  • expound
    to present & explain systematically & in detail
  • confound
    to confuse, befog, perplex, or baffle
  • obfuscate
    to make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible (it is implied that this is done deliberately)
  • ab-
    off, away from
  • epi-
    upon, on
  • ex-

  • meta-
  • ob-
  • trans-
  • arch

    origin, beginning, first
  • doc
    to teach
  • fort
    chance, luck
  • luc/lus/lum
  • morph
    shape, form
  • ped/pod
  • phan/fan

    to show, appear
  • pli/ply
    to fold
  • term
    end, boundary line
  • trud/trus
    to thrust, push