Calcified mesodermal tissue forming the external covering of the anatomical roots of teeth
Tissuessurrounding the toothroot, including cementum, periodontalligament,alveolarbone, and gingiva
Components of the periodontium
Periodontal ligament
Thinnest at the cervicalregion of the tooth and thickestnear the apex and furcationarea
Highly responsivemineralizedtissue
1. Elongation of HERS
2. Root dentinformationprecedescementogenesis
3. Cementum is laiddown in successivelayers
4. Acellular or primarycementum is laiddown
5. Cellular or secondarycementum is laiddown when the toothcomesintoocclusion
Cementoid tissue
Types of cementum
Intermediate cementum
Cellular-acellular cementum
Acellular cementum
Clearlayer of cementumdevoid of cells
Thinnest at the cervicalarea of the tooth and thickest at the apex
Composed of calcified ground substance and fibers (collagen and Sharpey'sfiber)
Cellular cementum
Has cells within the matrix (cementocytes)
Thickest at the apex (contributes to the lengthening of root)
Components of cementum matrix
Collagen fibrils
Sharpey's fibers
Lacuna and canaliculi
Spaces within the matrix where cementocytes are located
Elongatedprocessesprojecting from lacuna
Livingcells in cementum
Cementoblast (synthesis of cementum)
Cementocytes (in lacuna)
Cementoclast (resorption of cementum)
Relationshipsbetweencementum and enamel
60-65% cementumoverlaps the enamel
30% cervicalend of cementum meets the cervicalend of enamel
5-10% failure of enamel and cementum to meetexposingcervicaldentin
Functions of cementum
Attaches the root of the tooth to alveolarbone by the fibers of periodontalligament
Compensates the loss of toothstructuredue to occlusalwear by its continuedgrowth
Regulates the periodontalspace as bone resorbs
Contributes to the continuous vertical eruption of teeth
Protects the root dentin
Repairs the resorbedpart of cementum,fracturedroots and providesreattachment of broken periodontal fibers
Fusion of cementum and alveolarbone with no periodontal ligament in between
Abnormallyprominentthickness of the cementum on rootsurface
Types of cementalovergrowth
Cementalhyperplasia (hypercementosis when cementalgrowthdoes not help in increasingfunctioning of the tooth or it occurs in non-functionalteeth, like hypercementosis due to periapicalinfection)
Cementalhypertrophy (if cemental overgrowthimproves or helps in the functioning of teeth)
Round lamellated cementalbodies that liefree in the periodontalspace or are attached to the rootsurface
Also called benign cementoblastoma or cementaldysplasia, included in the category of a slowlygrowingodontogenicneoplasm & may cause expansion of jaw