Financialreporting and analysis problems use financial statements of companies or other sources, such as journals, for further practice in understanding and interpreting financial reporting
Both financial accounting and management accounting draw on the same information system used to record and summarize the financial implications of transactions and events
Information represents the economic phenomena without bias or material error and has been prepared with appropriate recognition and measurement methods
Includes price increases in business assets during an accounting period or the allocation of the cost of the long-lived assets of a business to different accounting periods
Profit that is retained in the business, represents the portion of equity that has been accumulated through the profitable operation of the business, increased by credits (e.g. profit) and decreased by debits (e.g. losses)
A distribution by a company to its shareholders in an amount proportional to each investor's percentage ownership, results in a reduction of the shareholders' claims on retained earnings
Prepaid expenses: Amounts paid in cash and recorded as assets until the economic benefits are used or consumed
Revenues received in advance: Amounts received from customers and recorded as liabilities until the services are performed or the goods are provided and revenue is recognised