
Cards (77)

  • water soluble vitamins
    b and c
  • fat soluble vitamins
    a, d, e k
  • minerals
    elements that remain intact during absorption, can't be synthesised
  • major/macro minerals definition
    need to be consumed in amounts more than 1000mg per day, and at least 5g in the body
  • major/macro minerals
    eg. calcium, sulphur, potassium
  • trace mineral defintion
    needed in amounts less than 20mg a day and body contains less that 5g
  • trace minerals
    eg. iron, zinc, copper
  • mineral function
    regulate cell metabolism provides structure, maintanence
  • how do minerals regulate cellular metabolism
    act as coenzymes and cofactors, are involved in catabolism
  • how do minerals provide maintenence
    normal heart rhythm, muscle contraction, neural conduction, acid base balance and fluid balance
  • EAR
    estimated average requirement for half the healthy individuals
  • RDI
    average intake to meet nutrient requirements of 98% of individuals
  • AI
    adequate intake assumed to be accurate
  • UL
    upper level of intake likely to pose no adverse health effects
  • why is it important to meet and not exceed dietary recommendations
    many micronutrients are not well absorbed, some cant be stored in body, some can reach toxic amounts
  • bioavaliability
    degree to which a nutrient is absorbed and used in the body
  • only 3-10% of micronutrients eaten are absorbed from small intestine into blood stream
  • fat soluble vitamins are packaged and absorbed with other lipids, forms chylomicron
  • water soluble vitamin absorption is carrier mediated
  • b12 absorption requires gastric secretion of intrinsic factor
  • minerals require protein carriers or transporters
  • fat soluble vitamins are stored in liver and adipose tissue
  • water soluble vitamins are excreted in urine
  • vegetables are very high in phytochemicals
  • B group vitamin function
    co enzymes in energy production and anabolism
  • b group vitamin sources
    grains, dairy and meat
  • b group deficiency
    redness of skin, swelling, confusion, memory loss
  • micronutrients for blood health
    iron, folate, vitamin b 12
  • folate
    involved in making thymine
  • b12 job
    fatty acid synthesis and atp production
  • folate sources
    vegetables and grains, requirements increase during pregnancy
  • folate storage
    very short term in liver
  • vitamin b sources
    meat, dairy, eggs
  • vit b bioavaliability
  • folate deficiency
    neural tube defects
  • vitamin A types
    retinol, retinal, retinoic acid
  • alcohol vit a
  • retinol structure
    ring with fatty acid tail
  • aldehyde form of vit a
  • acidic form of vit a
    retinoic acid