Cards (35)

  • Nation-state defined that not all state is nation and not all nation are state
  • Population a state is a community person
  • Territory is a territorial unit that is fixed
  • Government is an organizations or agency of the state which makes, implement, enforces, and adjucates the law of the state
  • Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary are the 3 branches of government
  • Soverignty is a most exclusive element of the state
  • Nation is bounded with the group of people having a particular culture, speaks the same language and live in a specific territory
  • Population, Government, Territory and Sovereignty is a 4 elements of a state
  • Thirty Years War war between catholic and protestants
  • Napoleon Bonaparte believed in spreading the principle of the french revolution to the rest of the world
  • Principle of the French Revolution are liberty, equality and fraternity
  • Napoleonic Code is a freedom of religion and meritocracy
  • Internationalism is a system of heightened interaction between sovereign states, particulary the desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and peoples
  • Immanuel Kant believe that without the form of world government, the international system would be chaotic. Therefore, the states must give up some freedom and establish a continuously growing state consisting of various nations which will ultimately include the nations of the world
  • Jeremy Bentham believe that the global legislator should aim to propose legislation that would create the greater happiness of nations taken together
  • Giuseppe Mazzini he believed in republican government and proposed a custom of free nations that cooperated with each other to create an international system
  • Woodrow Wilson belief that the world's nations had a right to a free, and sovereign government. He hoped that these free nations would become democracies, because only be being such would they be able to build a free system of international relations based on interational law and cooperation
  • Axis and Allied are two powers of World war II
  • League of Nations is a venue for conciliation and arbitration to prevent war
  • Karl Marx he placed on economic equality. He did not divide the world into countries but into class
  • Capitalist class means owner of factories, companies and other means of production
  • Proletariat class means did not own any means of production but instead worked for capitalist
  • Friedrich Engles believe that in a socialist revolution seeking to overthrow the state and alter the economy the proletariat "had no caption"​
  • Socialist International is a union of European socialist and labor parties established in Paris in 1889
  • Russian Revolution is a period of political social revolution across the territory of the Russian Empire
  • Legislative is a law-making body
  • Executive is a law enforcing body
  • Judiciary is a law interpreting body
  • State is a political unit that has sovereignty over an area of political territory and the people within it
  • The Metternich system was a series of meetings called among the great powers of Europe to discuss problems and attempt to resolve issues without violence.
  • Communist International served as the central body for directing communist parties
  • Klemens Von Metternich is an architect of the Vienna Congress of 1814
  • Treaty of Westphalia is a set of agreements signed in 1648 to end the Thirty Years War between the major continental powers of Europe
  • Concert of Europe sought to restore the world of monarchical, heredity religious privileges before the French Revolution
  • Napoleon defeted during the Battle of Waterloo