external factors within education

Cards (34)

  • Bernstein- proposed two language codes: elaborate and restricted code.
  • Hubbs: when parents use language to challenge children, this improves cognitive performance as the children are encouraged to equip their vocabulary with more rich words.
  • Feinstein: educated parents are more likely to use language this way (elaborated.)
  • Feinstein- parents who praise children more are more educated in motivating their children which is a factor that contributes to the child's success.
  • Douglas: WC parents take less value in their child's education which signifies thew lack of interest in their child's interest and causes the child to do less well due to the lack of engagement.
  • Feinstein: parents education is the most important in determining the success of their child's achievement as it provides an advantage to the child's attainment.
  • Young: middle class parents were more likely to buy educational toys.
  • Cultural deprivation: intellectual and linguistic skills, attitudes and values, family structure and parental support.
  • Beireter and engelman- language spoken by low income black American families as inadequate for education success, ungrammatical and incapable of expressing abstract ideas.
  • English as a second language isn’t a main factor holding back from student doing well and those without the first language do 3.2 points better.
  • Gillborn and Mirza- Indian pupils do very well despite not having English as their home language.
  • Pryce- family structure contributes to underachievement of black Caribbeans in Britain. Compared to Asians, they're high achievers because their culture is more resistant to racism and gives them high self worth. Black Caribbean is less resistant to racism. Also have different colonialism impacts. Blacks lost everything during slavery.
  • Sewell- lack of fatherly nurturing or tough love (firm, fair, non abusive )this results in black boys finding it hard to overcome emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence.
  • Arnot- describes influence of street gangs of other fatherless boys as the ‘ultra tough ghetto superstar an image constantly reinforced through rap lyrics and mtv videos.
  • Sewell- biggest barrier facing black boys is black peer pressure. Those speaking in standard English and doing well at school were viewed with suspicion from peers and seen as selling out to white establishment.
  • Gillborn ( critical race theorist) biggest barrier isn’t peer pressure but institutional racism within the system which produces the failure of black boys.
  • Lupton: argues that adult authority in Asian families is similar to the model that operates in school, respectful behaviour towards adults is expected from children. Parents more likely to be supportive of school behaviour policies.
  • McCulloch: ethnic minority groups were more likely to go to university than white British students.
  • White working class pupils often underachieve and have lower aspirations. This may be due to the lack of parental support.
  • Lupton: studied 4 working class schools some ethnically mixed and two predominantly white, the white school had poorer levels of behaviours and discipline despite that less people had free school meals.
    white parental had a negative view of education while ethnic minority parents saw it as a way up in society.
  • Evan: street culture in white working class areas can be seen as brutal and young people have to learn to withstand intimidation. School becomes a place where young people can learn to be assertive and assert their rights, bringing disruption and making it hard to succeed.
  • Compensatory education: tackle educational deprivation, eg operation head start in USA was to compensate children with cultural deficit and suffer due to deprived backgrounds.
  • Driver: critics cultural deprivation theory for ignoring positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. Black girls do better than black boys due to positive role models of independent women.
  • Lawrence: challenges Pryce’s view of weak culture and low esteem, and believes underachievement is due to racism.
  • Keddie: cultural deprivation as victim blaming as each child is culturally different and not culturally deprived. The schools curriculum is ethnocentric and against them.
  • Main alternatives to ethnocentric curriculum:
    multicultural education- policy that recognises and values minority cultures and includes them.
    anti racism education: policy that challenges prejudice and discrimination that exists in school/ society.
  • palmer:
    1. almost half f ethnic minority children live in low income households against a quarter of white children.
    2. ethnic minorities twice as likely to be unemployed.
    3. half of Bangladeshi and pakistani workers are paid less than £7 per hour compared to a quarter of British workers.
  • Reasons why some ethnic minorities are at greater risk of MD:
    1. many live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment/ low wage rates.
    2. Purdah in Muslim households, culture prevents them going out to work.
    3. lack of language skills and foreign qualifications not recognised by uk employers.
    4. asylum seekers may not be allowed to work.
  • Indian and chinese people who are materially deprived still do better than most, in 2011 86% of Chinese girls with free school meals achieved 5 or more GCSEs, than 65% of white girls without FSM.
  • Modood- while children from low income families generally did less well, the effects of low income were less for other ethnic groups than for white pupils.
  • Some sociologists argue that poverty is the product of racism.
  • Mason (2000) ‘discrimination is a continuing and persistent factor of the experience of Britain’s citizens of minority ethnic origin.’
  • Rex (1986) shows how racial discrimination leads to social exclusion and worsens poverty by ethnic minorities.
    discrimination= minorities forced into substandard accommodation.
  • Wood et al - 1 in 16 ethnic minorities were given job interviews than 1 in 9 white applicants.
    helps explain why ethnic minorities face unemployment and its negativ effect on childrens education.