Witches Act 3

Cards (3)

  • Link to religion
    Shakespeare makes the witches appear synonymous with wickedness and hell, to compound how the interference with supernatural is inherently evil. During Hecate's want to manipulate Macbeth she refers to the meeting at "the pit of Acheron". Acheron was one of the rivers that ran through Hades, and as they are depicted as meeting there, it reinforces how the Witches are inextricably linked with hell and thrive in this depraved environment.
  • Link to religion 2
    Within Christianity, the foundations of religion in Christian society, there is a holy trinity which is the idea that God exists in three different forms: The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. As the witches always appear as a trio, they could be seen as the anti - trinity, as they persistently tempt fate and indulge in wicked acts.
    Shakespeare intends to be condemning of the Witches and their wickedness, as this would directly appease James I due to him believing they were agents of the devil, which is seen in 'Daemonologie'.
  • Summary
    Shakespeare makes the witches as synonymous with hell and wickedness, presenting them as the anti - trinity in order to appease James I - he vehemently (intensely) believed that they were agents of the devil.