housing: over crowdedness, temporary accommodation, poor housing conditions.
Diet: poor nutrition weakens the immune system, causing the children to fall sick more and take more time off of school.
Howard: poor homes/ working class children have a lower intake of energy
Machin- lower class children are more likely to be involved in a fight.
Financial support- restricted to educational resources/ experiences needed to enhance their educational achievement.
BULL (1980)- refers financial problems are the 'costs of free schooling.'
TANNER (2003)- found costs of transport, computers, books and equipment, uniform.
AO3 to MD: pupil premium, tutor schemes, free school meals.
Flaherty(2004)- Says that the money problems in a family were a factor when it came to children not attending school. The children that became excluded from schools were very unlikely to return to education in any shape or form and come out with no qualifications what so ever. 'Nearly 90% of failing schools are located in deprived areas'