
Cards (19)

  • Psychology
    The scientific study of behavior and mental processes
  • Behavior
    • Outward or overt actions and reactions
  • Mental processes
    • Internal and covert activity of our minds
  • Psychology as a science
    • Prevents possible biases from leading to faulty observations
    • Precise and careful measurement
  • Four goals of psychology
    1. Description
    2. Explanation
    3. Prediction
    4. Control
  • Historical figures in psychology
    • Plato
    • Aristotle
    • Rene Descartes
    • John Locke
    • Charles Darwin
    • Francis Galton
    • Ernst Weber
    • Gustav Fechner
    • Herman von Helmholtz
  • Wilhelm Wundt
    Father of modern psychology, established first experimental psychology lab, developed technique of objective introspection
  • Structuralism
    • Focused on the structure or basic elements of the mind
  • Functionalism
    • Focused on how the mind allows people to adapt, live, work, and play to their surroundings
  • Gestalt psychology
    • Believed that the human mind imposes meaning to related experiences, advocated holistic study of human behavior
  • Psychoanalysis
    • Stressed the importance of early childhood experiences, proposed the existence of an unconscious mind
  • Behaviorism
    • Focused on observable behavior only, based on the work of Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson
  • Psychodynamic
    • Modern version of psychoanalysis, focuses on the role of the unconscious mind and its influence on conscious behavior and early childhood experiences
  • Behavioral
    • Focuses on how behavioral responses are learned through classical or operant conditioning
  • Humanistic
    • Focuses on human potential, free will, and possibility of self-actualization
  • Cognitive
    • Focuses on how people think, remember, store, and use information
  • Sociocultural
    • Focuses on the relationship between social behavior and culture
  • Biopsychological
    • Focuses on the biological bases of behavior and mental processes
  • Evolutionary psychology

    • Focuses on the biological bases of universal mental characteristics that all humans share