Cards (17)

  • Name the three types of muscle in the body and where they are located
    Cardiac = exclusively found in heart
    Smooth = walls of blood vessels and intestines
    Skeletal = attached to incompressible skeleton by tendons
  • What does the phrase antagonistic pair of muscles mean
    ~Muscles can only pull, so they work in pairs to move bones around in joints
    ~Pairs pull in opposite directions = agonist contracts while antagonist is relaxed
  • Describe the gross structure of skeletal muscle
    ~Muscle cells are fused together to form bundles of parallel muscle fibres (myofibrils)
    ~Arrangement ensures there is no point of weakness between cells
    ~Each bundle is surrounded by endomycium = loose connective tissue with many capillaries
  • Describe the microscopic structure of skeletal muscle
    Myofibrils = site of contraction
    Sarcoplasm = shared nuclei and cytoplasm with lots of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum
    Sarcolemma = folds inwards towards sarcoplasm to form transverse tubules
  • How is muscle contraction stimulated
    ~Neuromuscular junction = actional potential = voltage gated Ca2+ channels open
    ~Vesicles move towards and fuse with presynaptic membrane
    ~Exocytosis of acetylcholine (ACh), which diffuses across synaptic cleft
    ~ACh binds to receptors on Na+ channel proteins on skeletal muscle cell membrane
    ~Influx of Na+ = depolarisation
  • Explain the roe of Ca2+ ions in muscle contraction
    ~Action potential moves through T-tubules in the sarcoplasm = Ca2+ channels in sarcoplasmic reticulum open
    ~Ca2+ binds to troponin, triggering conformational change in tropomyosin
    ~Exposes binding sites on actin filaments so actinomyosin bridges can form
  • Outline the sliding filament theory
    ~Myosin head with ADP attached forms cross bridges with actin
    ~Power stroke = myosin head changes shape and loses ADP, pulling actin over myosin
    ~ATP attaches to myosin head, causing it to detach from actin
    ~ATPase hydrolyses ATP - ADP +Pi so myosin head can return to original position
    ~Myosin head re-attaches to actin further along filament
  • How does sliding filament action cause a myofibril to shorten
    ~Myosin heads flex in opposite directions = actin filaments are pulled towards each other
    ~Distance between adjacent sarcomere Z lines shortens
    ~Sliding filament action occurs up to 100 times per second in multiple sacromeres
  • State four pieces of evidence that support the sliding filament theory
    ~H-zone narrows
    ~I-band narrows
    ~Z-lines get closer
    ~A-zone remains same width
  • What happens during muscle relaxation
    ~Ca2+ is actively transported back into endoplasmic reticulum
    ~Tropomyosin once again blocks actin binding site
  • Explain the role of phosphocreatine in muscle contraction
    Phosphorylates ADP directly to ATP when oxygen for aerobic respiration is limited
  • How could a student calculate the length of one sarcomere
    ~View thin slice of muscle under optical microscope
    ~Calibrate eyepiece graticule
    ~Measure distance from middle of one light band to middle of another
  • Where are slow and fast twitch muscle fibres found in the body
    Slow twitch = sites of sustained contraction
    Fast twitch = sites of short-term, rapid, powerful contraction
  • Explain the role of slow and fast twitch muscle fibres
    Slow twitch = long-duration contraction, well-adapted to aerobic respiration to prevent lactate buildup
    Fast twitch = powerful short-term contraction, well-adapted to anaerobic respiration
  • Explain the structure and properties of slow-twitch muscle fibres
    ~Glycogen store = many terminal ends can be hydrolysed to release glucose for respiration
    ~Contain myoglobin = higher affinity for oxygen than haemoglobin at lower partial pressures
    ~Many mitochondria - aerobic respiration produces more ATP
    ~Surrounded by many blood vessels = high supply of oxygen and glucose
  • Explain the structure and properties of fast twitch muscle fibres
    ~Large store of phosphocreatine
    ~More myosin filaments
    ~Thicker myosin filaments
    ~High concentration of enzymes involved in anaerobic respiration
    ~Extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum = rapid uptake and release of Ca2+
  • What is a motor unit
    One motor neuron supplies several muscle fibres, which act simultaneously as one functional unit