Cards (33)

  • What is homeostasis
    Internal environment is maintained within set limits around an optimum
  • Why is it important that core temperature remains stable
    ~Maintain stable rate of enzyme controlled reactions and prevent damage to membranes
    ~Temperature too low = enzyme and substrate molecules have insufficient kinetic energy
    ~Temperature too high = enzymes denature
  • Why is it important that blood pH remains stable
    ~Maintain stable rate of enzyme controlled reactions
    ~Acidic pH = H+ interact with H-bonds and ionic bonds in tertiary structure of enzymes so shape of active site changes so no ES complexes form
  • Why is it important that blood glucose concentration remains stable
    ~Maintain constant blood water potential = prevent osmotic lysis/crenation of cells
    ~Maintain constant concentration of respiratory substrate = organism maintains constant level of activity regardless of environmental conditions
  • Define negative and positive feedback
    Negative feedback = self regulatory mechanisms return internal environment to optimum when there is a fluctuation
    Positive feedback = A fluctuation triggers changes that result in an even greater deviation from the normal level
  • Suggest why separate negative feedback mechanisms control fluctuations in different directions
    Provides more control, especially in case of overcorrection, which would lead to a deviation in the opposite direction from the original one
  • Suggest why coordinators analyse inputs from several receptors before sending an impulse to effectors
    ~Receptors may send conflicting information
    ~Optimum response may require multiple types of effector
  • Why is there a time lag between hormone production and response by an effector
    ~Produce hormone
    ~Transport hormone in the blood
    ~Cause required change to the target protein
  • Name the factors that affect blood glucose concentration
    ~Amount of carbohydrate digested from diet
    ~Rate of glycogenolysis
    ~Rate of gluconeogenesis
  • Define glycogenesis, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
    Glycogenesis = liver converts glucose into the storage polymer glycogen
    Glycogenolysis = liver hydrolyses glycogen into glucose which can diffuse into blood
    Gluconeogenesis = liver converts glycerol and amino acids into glucose
  • Outline the role of glucagon when blood glucose concentration decreases
    ~a cells in islets of Langerhans in pancreas detect decrease and secrete glucagon into bloodstream
    ~Glucagon binds to surface receptors on liver cells and activates enzymes for glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
    ~Glucose diffuses from liver into bloodstream
  • Outline the role of adrenaline when blood glucose concentration decreases
    ~Adrenal glands produce adrenaline. It binds to surface receptors on liver cells and activates enzymes for glycogenolysis
    ~Glucose diffuses from liver into bloodstream
  • Outline what happens when blood glucose concentration increases
    ~b cells in islets of Langerhans in pancreas detect increase and secrete insulin into bloodstream
    ~Insulin binds to surface receptors on target cells
    ~Increase cellular glucose uptake
    ~Activate enzymes for glycogenesis
    ~Stimulate adipose tissue to synthesise fat
  • Describe how insulin leads to a decrease in blood glucose concentration
    ~Increase permeability of cells to glucose
    ~Increases glucose concentration gradient
    ~Triggers inhibition of enzymes for glycogenolysis
  • How does insulin increase permeability of cells to glucose
    ~Increases number of glucose carrier proteins
    ~Triggers conformational change which opens glucose carrier proteins
  • How does insulin increase the glucose concentration gradient
    ~Activates enzymes for glycogenesis in liver and muscles
    ~Stimulates fat synthesis in adipose tissue
  • Use the secondary messenger model to explain how glucagon and adrenaline work
    ~Hormone receptor complex forms
    ~Conformational change to receptor activates G-protein
    ~Activates adenylate cyclase, which converts ATP to cyclic AMP (cAMP)
    ~cAMP activates protein kinase A pathway
    ~Results in glycogenolysis
  • Explain the causes of Type 1 diabetes and how it can be controlled
    ~Body cannot produce insulin
    ~Treat by injecting insulin
  • Explain the causes of Type 2 diabetes and how it can be controlled
    ~Glycoprotein receptors are damaged or become less responsive to insulin
    ~Strong positive correlation with poor diet/obesity
    ~Treat by controlling diet and exercise regime
  • Name some signs and symptoms of diabetes
    ~High blood glucose concentration
    ~Glucose in urine
    ~Blurred vision
    ~Sudden weight loss
    ~Blurred vision
  • Suggest how a student could produce a desired concentration of glucose solution from a stock solution
    Volume of stock solution = required concentration x final volume needed/concentration of stock solution
    Volume of distilled water = final volume needed - volume of stock solution
  • Outline how colorimetry could be used to identify the glucose concentration in a sample

    ~Benedict's test on solutions of known glucose concentration. Use colorimeter to record absorbance
    ~Plot calibration curve with absorbance on y axis and glucose concentration on x axis
    ~Benedict's test on unknown sample. Use calibration curve to read glucose concentration at its absorbance value
  • Define osmoregulation
    Control of blood water potential via homeostatic mechanisms
  • Describe the gross structure of a mammalian kidney
    Fibrous capsule = protects kidney
    Cortex = outer region consists of Bowman's capsules, convoluted tubules, blood vessels
    Medulla = inner region consists of collecting ducts, loops of Henle, blood vessels
    Renal pelvis = cavity collects urine into ureter
    Ureter = tube carries urine to bladder
    Renal artery = supplies kidney with oxygenated blood
    Renal vein = returns deoxygenated blood from kidney to heart
  • Describe the structure of a nephron
    Bowman's capsule at start of nephron = cup-shaped, surrounds glomerulus, inner layer of podocytes
    Proximal convoluted tubule = series of loops surrounded by capillaries, walls made of epithelial cells with microvilli
    Loop of Henle = hairpin loop extends from cortex into medulla
    Distal convoluted tubule = similar to PCT but fewer capillaries
    Collecting duct = DCT from several nephrons empty into collecting duct, which leads into pelvis of kidney
  • Describe the blood vessels associated with a nephron
    ~Wide afferent arteriole from renal artery enters renal capsule and forms glomerulus = branched knot of capillaries which combine to form narrow efferent arteriole
    ~Efferent arteriole branches to form capillary network that surrounds tubules
  • Explain how glomerular filtrate is formed
    ~Ultrafiltration in Bowman's capsule
    ~High hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus forces small molecules out of capillary fenestrations against osmotic gradient
    ~Basement membrane acts as filter. Blood cells and large molecules
  • How are cells of the Bowman's capsule adapted for ultrafiltration
    ~Fenestrations between epithelial cells of capillaries
    ~Fluid can pass between and under folded membrane of podocytes
  • State what happens during selective reabsorption and where is occurs
    ~Useful molecules from glomerular filtrate
    ~Occurs in proximal convoluted tubule
  • How are cells in the proximal convoluted tubule adapted for selective reabsorption
    Microvilli = large surface area for co-transporter proteins
    Many mitochondria = ATP for active transport of glucose into intercellular spaces
    Folded basal membrane = large surface area
  • What happens in the loop of Henle
    ~Active transport of Na+ and Cl- out of ascending limb
    ~Water potential of interstitial fluid decreases
    ~Osmosis of water out of descending limb
    ~Water potential of filtrate decreases going down descending limb = lowest in medullary region, highest at top of ascending limb
  • Explain the role of the distal convoluted tubule
    ~Reabsorption of water via osmosis and of ions via active transport
    ~Permeability of walls is determined by action of hormones
  • Explain the role of the collecting duct
    Reabsorption of water from filtrate into interstitial fluid via osmosis through aquaporins