The strange situation is a controlled observation designed to measure the security of attachment a baby displays towards a caregiver
The Strange Situation takes place in a room with quite controlled conditions (i.e a laboratory) with a two-way mirror and/or cameras through which psychologists can observe the baby's behaviour
The behaviours used to judge attachment included:
Proximity-seeking - A baby with a good quality attachment will stay close to a caregiver
The behaviours used to judge attachment included:
Exploration and secure-base behaviour - Good attachment enables a baby to feel confident to explore, using their caregiver as a secure base
The behaviours used to judge attachment included:
Stranger anxiety - One of the signs of becoming closely attached is a display of anxiety when a stranger approaches
The behaviours used to judge attachment included:
Separation anxiety - A sign of becoming attached is to protest at separation from the caregiver
The behaviours used to judge attachment included:
Response to reunion - Babies who are securely attached greet the caregiver's return with pleasure and seek comfort
Types of attachment: Secure attachment (60-75%)
Moderate stranger and separation anxiety
Easily accept comfort at reunion
Types of attachment: Insecure-avoidant attachment (20-25%)
Low stranger and separation anxiety
Little response to reunion, may even avoid contact
Types of attachment: Insecure-resistant attachment (3%)