Ethical Implications

Cards (4)

  • Ethical implications
    Consider the impact or consequences that psychological research has on the rights of other people in a wider context, not just the participants taking part in the research
  • Social sensitivity
    A psychologist used the term social sensitivity to describe studies where there are potential social consequences for the participants or the group of people represented by the research
  • Ethical implications of research studies
    In Milgram's research you need to consider whether the 'ends justify the means'. The participants were deceived and were unable to give fully informed consent. The experiment also caused significant distress, and the participants were told to continue against their own will. However the participants were debriefed after the experiment. The outcome of these follow ups suggested that the participants had suffered no long term effects
  • Ethical Implications of Theories
    Bowlbys theory of attachment suggest that children form one special attachment bond, usually with their mother, which must take place within a critical period. Bowlby suggested that this attachment bond affects their future relationships through an internal working model. While Bowlby's theory has contributed to the development of childcare practices, it has also encourage the view that a women's place is at home with her children, which could make some mothers feel guilty for wanting to return to work following childbirth