Describe the gross structure of the human gas exchange system and how we breathe in and out. [6]
1. Named structures - trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli;
Reject mp1 if structures from other physiological systems are named but award mp2 if the correct structures are in the correct order.
2. Above structures named in correct order
Above structures labelled in correct positions on a diagram; Reject mp1 if structures from other physiological systems are named but award mp2 if the correct structures are in the correct order.
3. Breathing in - diaphragm contracts and external intercostal muscles contract;
4. (Causes) volume increase and pressure decrease in thoracic cavity (to below atmospheric, resulting in air moving in);
For thoracic cavity accept 'lungs' or 'thorax'.
Reference to 'thoracic cavity' only required once.
5. Breathing out - Diaphragm relaxes and internal intercostal muscles contract;
Accept diaphragm relaxes and (external) intercostal muscles relax and lung tissue elastic (so recoils).
6. (Causes) volume decrease and pressure increase in thoracic cavity (to above atmospheric, resulting in air moving out);
For thoracic cavity accept 'lungs' or 'thorax'.