Topic 2 - Newton's Laws

Cards (9)

  • What is inertia?

    An object's resistance to movement, mass and shape.
  • What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
    An object stays at rest or constant motion unless a force acts on it.
  • What do unbalanced forces do to an object?
    Twist, push, pull, squash, stretch.
  • What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
    Resultant force is proportional to acceleration.
  • What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
    Equal forces in opposite direction.
  • Why does acceleration of the rocket increase during the flight?
    Burns fuel, mass decreases so resultant force increases.
  • Explain using Newton's laws how a rocket takes off.
    Rocket exerts a force on the exhaust gas, this exerts an equal force on the rocket in the opposite direction.
  • Explain how a person falling out through the air reaches terminal velocity.
    Drag=Weight, speed up as they fall, drag increases and equals their weight.
  • Explain how opening a parachute can reduce the final velocity of a person so he is at a safe speed to land.
    More surface area so greater air resistance.