Topic 3 - Work and Energy

Cards (10)

  • State the law of conservation of energy.
    Energy in = energy out (usually it means kinetic=potential).
  • What are aerodynamic losses and how can they be reduced?
    Energy lost by air resistance - streamline the car
  • What are rolling losses and how can they be reduced?
    Friction - pump up the tires
  • What are idling losses and how can they be reduced?
    At traffic lights not moving bu the engine is running - stop/start the engine
  • What are inertial losses and how can they be reduced?
    Heavier cars use more energy - use carbon fibre
  • Explain how airbags, crumple zones and seatbelts can reduce injury during a crash.
    All of them reduce the energy and the force of impact by increasing the time it takes to stop.
  • What do headrests protect against?
  • What is a roll cage used for?
    Stops the roof from collapsing if the car is upside down
  • Explain how you would find the spring constant of a spring.
    Measure the length of a spring, hang a weight on it and measure the extension
    Force = spring constant × extension
    (if we plot force on the y axis and extension on the x axis then spring constant = gradient)
  • What does spring constant mean?
    The stiffness of the spring