Topic 4 - Stars and Planets

Cards (24)

  • Describe the theory of how the solar system formed.
    Formed from a cloud of dust and gas (Nebula), gravity causes the cloud to compress, the cloud spins. Temperature increases and eventually fusion starts - this forms a star. Solar wind pushes gas particles far away which form gas planets, rock particles are not pushed as far and create rocky planets.
  • Describe the object at the centre of our solar system.
    A star (main sequence yellow dwarf).
  • What is the order of the planets starting with the furthest from the sun?
    Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury.
  • Between which two planets is the asteroid belt located?

    Mars and Jupiter.
  • What types of objects are located in the asteroid belt?
    Asteroids and at least one dwarf planet (Ceres).
  • Name the 'rocky' planets.

    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
  • Name the 'gas giant' planets.
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  • Describe the orbit of a comet.
    Highly elliptical (close to the sun at one part of the orbit and further than Pluto on the other side of the orbit).
  • What is the relationship between orbital time and distance from the Sun?
    Further a planet is from the sun the longer it takes to orbit (it's year is longer).
  • What is meant by the term 'planetary system'?

    A system of planets, moons, asteroids, comets that orbit a star.
  • What is meant by the term 'galaxy'?

    Millions of planetary systems held together by gravity (orbits a supermassive black hole).
  • Place the following in order starting with the smallest: Planetary system, Moon, Universe, Asteroid, Planet, Galaxy, Star.
    Asteroid, Moon, Planet, Star, Planetary System, Galaxy, Universe.
  • What is the meaning of 1 A.U.?
    Astronomical unit - the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
  • What is a light year?

    The distance light travels in one year.
  • How long does it take light to travel 20 light minutes?
    20 minutes
  • Describe star birth.
  • What is the process that occurs in the core of a main sequence star and what are the conditions needed?
    Fusion - heat and pressure needed.
  • If the star is not large enough to fulfil the conditions above then what type of star is formed?
    Brown or Black Dwarf.
  • While a star is on the main sequence describe the forces acting on the star.
    Radiation pressure out is equal to gravity in.
  • What will happen to our sun when fusion stops?
    It will expand to form a red giant, it will then fuse heavier elements than hydrogen. This stops at iron - then the star will rapidly shrink leaving a planetary nebula and a white dwarf star.
  • Describe all possible star deaths from stars much larger than our Sun.
    Form a red hyper giant, and then create a supernova and leave behind a neutron star or black hole.
  • Why does fusion stop when it reaches iron?
    Takes too much energy to fuse iron atoms.
  • How do elements heavier than iron get made?
    Supernova explosions provide the high energy required to create the heavier elements.
  • Explain why the planets orbit the sun in their current order.
    Solar wind