Nursing Interventions for Fractures
1. Emergency Care - Splint the limb above & below suspected fracture, Cold pack application & elevate extremity to reduce edema and pain, Direct pressure to control bleeding in severe fractures causing blood loss
2. Immobilization - Splint, casting, traction with a counter weight
3. Closed reduction - Restores displaced bone segments to their normal position
4. Open reduction surgery - Reduce and immobilize fracture using rods, plates, & screws when closed reduction is possible, followed by application
5. Medications - Analgesics (codeine, morphine, acetaminophen, & oxycodone), Prophylactic antibiotics (cefazolin), Tetanus prophylaxis (tetanus toxoid)
6. Nursing Management - Observe for signs of shock, Assess affected limb for compartment syndrome, Administer IV fluids to replace fluid loss, Ease pain with analgesics to promote comfort, If with traction, reposition client to increase comfort & prevent muscle atrophy, Encourage deep breathing & coughing to avoid hypostatic pneumonia, Provide adequate fluids to prevent urinary stone formation, Provide good cast care to avoid skin breakdown, Promote ambulation as early as possible, Demonstrate how to use crutches properly, Physical therapy to restore limb mobility