Topic 5 - Types of Radiation

Cards (19)

  • What is the nucleon number, proton number and the number of neutrons of the following nuclei?
    O₈¹⁶ - proton number is 8, nucleon number is 16, amount of neutrons = 16-8 = 8, this is not radioactive as it is balanced.
    U₉₂²³⁸ - proton number is 8, nucleon number is 238, amount of neutrons = 238-92 = 148, this is not balanced and so it is radioactive.
  • What is an isotope?
    2 similar elements with the same proton number and different amount of neutrons.
  • Why are some nuclei radioactive and some aren't?
    Some have equal protons to neutrons, they are balanced and not radioactive.
  • Why must experiments using radioactive sources to be done for long periods of time and repeated?
    Radiation is random.
  • Why is radioactive waste dangerous and expensive to dispose of?
    It is ionising (causes cell mutation - cancer), stored underground cased in lead to stop beta and alpha and reduce gamma - it also has a long half life so has to be stored for 1000s of years.
  • What is background radiation?
    Harmless low levels of radiation in the air around us.
  • What are the main parts of background radiation?
    Nuclear power stations, buildings, radon gas (50%), food and drink, cosmic rays, hospitals.
  • How does radiation get into food and drink?
    Plants/animals are outside exposed to background radiation. Plants are grown in the ground which contains radon gas, animals eat the plants that contain radon gas.
  • What is radon gas?
    Gas contained in the Earth inside rocks, depends on the rocks underground, some areas are high (Wales) some are low (England).
  • What does 'correcting for background radiation' mean and how do you do it?
    To do it you take away background from all your readings.
  • What are the 3 types of radiation?
    Alpha, Beta, Gamma.
  • What are the three types of radiation stopped by?
    Paper stops alpha, aluminium stops beta, gamma is reduced by thick lead or concrete.
  • What is an alpha emitter?

    Helium nucleus
  • What is a beta emitter?

    Fast moving electrons.
  • Why is alpha radiation dangerous when ingested?
    Because it can't pass through skin, it is also the most ionising.
  • Why is beta the most dangerous outside the body?
    Most penetrating, it can easily pass into your body.
  • What is the symbol for alpha?
  • What is the symbol for beta?
  • What is the symbol for gamma?