Growth and differentiation

Cards (29)

  • Whatis the technical word for turning into a specialized cel?
  • What happens in Cell differentiatio?
    Cells become adapted and specialised for a particular function
  • When does Animal growth happen?
    • Through cell division(throughout their bodies) and differentiation
  • Specialised cells

    • Nerve cells are specialised to respond to stimuli and carry information around the body
  • How does Plant growthtake place through... (3 things)
    • Through cell division, differentiation and elongation
  • An example of Differentiated plant cells
    • Palisade cells are specialised to carry out photosynthesis
  • What is Cell elongation
    Cells don't divide, they just get longer
  • What can Adult stem cellsdo?
    Can differentiate into a few particular types of cell
  • Adult stem cell type:stem cells on bone marrow become?
    • blood cells and immune cells
  • What is Therapeutic cloning
    Creating an embryo with the same genes as a patient, then using the embryonic stem cells in the patient's body
  • Stem cell treatment has potential medical risks, such as viruses infecting stem cells and being transferred to the patient
  • Some people oppose stem cell research on ethical or religious grounds, thinking it's wrong to use human embryos
  • Where are Plant stem cellsfound?
    Found in the meristem tissue of roots and shoots
  • Uses of plant cloning
    • Reproducing rare species at risk of extinction, or crop plants with useful features
  • All organi,s cell contain same what?
    Genetic information
  • When are all the organims cells the same
    when it first begins to develop
  • When do animal cells differentate
    At an early stage of development
  • Which organims has many type of cell which doesn't lose its ability to differentate
  • Why must new cells produced differentate
    so they can carry out a specific job
  • Why does cell differentiation continue in mature animals??
    for replacement and repair
  • Animals grow most when there young when do they stop growing usually?
    As adults
  • When does cell division take place in plants?
    in the tips of plant roots and shoots
  • Out of plants and animals what can continue growing through it's life
  • Where does cell elongation only happen in?
  • Advantages of embryonic stem cells can be
    • can be cloned
    • made to turn into most types of cell
  • How is embryonic stem cell formed? (Where is it taken from what can it do)
    taken from an embryo that can differentiate into most types of cell
  • Why will embryonic stem cell not be rejected by patient?
    they contain the same genetic material
  • What us the advantage if plant stem cells can differentate into any type of cells?? Allows what?
    allowing plants to keep growing throughout their lives
  • Advantage of using plant stem cell?
    allow clones of plants to be made relatively quickly and cheaply