multicellular organisms

Cards (74)

  • Allele
    A form of a gene.
  • Anther
    Organ within a flower that produces pollen grains.
  • Aorta
    Main artery that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart in mammals.
  • Artery
    General name for a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
  • Atria
    Upper chambers of the heart, which receive the blood from veins.
  • Brain
    Organ of the central nervous system of mammals where vital functions are coordinated.
  • Capillaries
    Tiny blood vessels with walls one-cell thick where exchange of materials occurs.
  • CNS
    Part of the nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Cerebellum
    Part of the brain that controls balance and coordination of movement.
  • Cerebrum
    Large folded part of the brain that controls conscious responses, memory, thought, intelligence and emotions.
  • Coronary
    Referring to the heart and blood vessels that serve the heart tissues.
  • discontinuous
    Alternative term for discrete variation
  • Discrete
    Variation that is clear cut and observable as categories.
  • Dominant
    Form of a gene that is expresses in the phenotype, whether homozygous or heterozygous.
  • Endocrine gland
    Gland that produces and release a hormone directly into the blood.
  • family tree
    Diagram that shows the inheritance of a genetic condition in a family.
  • Fertilisation
    The fusion of gametes.
  • Gamete
    Sex cell containing the haploid chromosome number.
  • Genetic counselling
    Medical procedure in which individuals can receive advice and information about an inherited condition.
  • Genotype
    The alleles that an organism has for a particular characteristic, usually written as symbols.
  • Glucagon
    Hormone produced by the pancreas, responsible for triggering the conversion of glycogen into glucose in the liver.
  • Glycogen
    Animal storage carbohydrate located in the liver and muscle tissues.
  • Guard cells
    Found on either side of a stomata; they control gas exchange in leaves by controlling opening and closing of the stomata.
  • Heart
    Muscular organ that pumps blood around the body.
  • Heterozygous
    Describes a genotype in which the two alleles for the characteristic are different.
  • Homozygous
    Describes a genotype in which the two alleles for the characteristic are the same.
  • Insulin
    Hormone produced by the pancreas that triggers the conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liver.
  • Lignin
    Carbohydrate material lining the xylem vessels and providing strength and support.
  • Medulla
    Part of the brain controlling breathing, heart rate and peristalsis.
  • Meristem
    Localised region of actively dividing cells in plants.
  • Motor neuron
    Nerve cell that carries electrical impulses from the CNS to effectors such as muscles or glands.
  • Nerves
    Specialised tissues that connect receptors to the CNS and the CNS to the effectors.
  • Neuron
    Nerve cell that is specialised to transmit electrical impulses.
  • Organ
    A group of different tissues that work together to carry out a particular function, e.g. heart and lungs.
  • Ova
    Female gametes produced by ovaries in animals. (sg. ovum)
  • Ovaries
    Female sex organs (sg. ovary)
  • Ovule
    Structure containing a female gamete, produced by ovaries in plants.
  • Peristalsis
    Waves of muscular contraction responsible for the movement of food through the intestines.
  • Phenotype
    The visible characteristics of an organism in relation to its genes.
  • Phloem
    Vessels in plants that transport sugars.