ecumene: land that permanently populated by human society.
Density: The number of people in a space
Distribution: The spatial spread of people in a scape.
Arithmetic density: The number of individuals per unit area, calculated by dividing the number of individuals by the area.
Physiological density: The number of individuals per unit of arable land (farmland)
Agricultural density: The number of farms per square mile of farmland.
Carrying capacity: the relationship between the population size and the number of resources available to the population.
age structure: the proportion of the total population in each age group.
sex ratio: the number of males per 100 females in a population.
Crude Birth Rate(CBR): The number of live births per 1000 of the population.
Total Fertility Rate(TFR): The average number of children a woman would have in her lifetime.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): The number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births.
Crude Death Rate (CBR): total number of deaths per 1000 of population per year
Rate of Natural Increase (RNI): The percentage of which a population grows a year.
Population Doubling: the number of years needed for double the population.
Migration: the permanent movement of people from one place to another.
The Demographic Transition Model: A model that describes the relationship between population size and age structure and the rate of change in population size.
Demographic Transitioning model-Stage 1: (low growth) high NIR, and CBR, falling CDR.
Demographic Transitioning model-stage 2: (high growth) death rate decreases, population growth and crude birth rate increases.
The Epidemiological Transition: describes changing patterns of population distributions in relation to changing patterns of mortality, fertility, life expectancy, and leading causes of death.
The Epidemiological Transition-stage 1: pestilence and famine, endemic-stays local, epidemic-spread through region pandemic-spread across regions, high CDR.
The Epidemiological Transition-stage 2: receding pandemics, increase life expectancy, pandemics still a slight issue, improve medicine.
The Epidemiological Transition-stage 3: degenerative diseases, fewer infectious disease death, population growth, longer life expectancy, rise of dead of aging.
The Epidemiological Transition-stage 4: delayed degenerative and lifestyle disease, better diets, life expectancy at highest medical advances extend life expectancy, problem of junk food and sedentary lifestyle.
The Epidemiological Transition-stage 5: reemerge of infectious disease, disease make a return, resistance to antibiotics, disease mutation, rising urbanization, lower expectancy.
Natal- relates to the time and place of ones birth.
pro-analyst- policies promote births
anti-analyst- policies seek to restrict birth.
counter migration-each migration flow in one direction produces a counter flow in the opposite direction.
dependency ratio- the number of people who are under 15 and over 65 years old.
immigrants- people entering a country or other political subdivision.
Emigrants- people leaving a country or other political subdivision.
Transnational migration- migrants leaving their country of origin and entering another country.
transhumance migration- migration where livestock are led to highlands area in summer months and lowland in winter months.
internal migration- permanent move within a country.
chain migration- migration where there is some type of relationship with a previous migrant.