The story of creation is told in chapter one in the book of Genesis, where it begins "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1)
All-loving, as shown in the Bible quote "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16)
The most important points are that Mary, Jesus's mother, did not conceive Jesus sexually, and that he had the immaculate conception in which his mother was still a virgin
The gospels of Mark and John make no reference to the birth of Jesus, perhaps because they thought the events were unimportant compared to the meaning of it
The explanation of Jesus as God incarnate makes it much easier for Christians to understand and accept Jesus's more unnatural actions such as miracles and his resurrection
Explain two ways belief about incarnation might influence Christians today
1. The belief that Jesus was God incarnate makes it possible for Christians to follow his teachings with greater understanding
2. The miracle nature of Jesus's immaculate conception with the virgin Mary could only have been God, and it would only have been with God that he would undergo such a process
God the Father is believed to be the creator of the universe, God the Son is Jesus who became incarnate human on earth while still being God, and God the Holy Spirit influences, guides and sustains the earth and all life
Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death by crucifixion, a horrific means of death used by Romans in which the criminal is nailed to a cross made of wood and is left to die
While on the cross, Jesus adopted a forgiving approach to the Roman soldiers who stabbed and mocked him, as well as having conversations with the two criminals being crucified alongside him
The crucifixion teaches Christians that sin will no longer destroy their lives because Christ (God) will forgive all those who sin against him as long as they faithfully ask for forgiveness
After Jesus died on the cross, his followers were shocked to find that his body was not in the tomb where he had been placed, as he had risen from the dead
Over the next 40 days, Jesus appeared to his followers to spread the news of his return and apparent power, and instructed them to go and share his views, which laid the foundations for the Christian church
Christians believe all humans are born with original sin, which suggests we all have an inbuilt tendency to do wrong as we are all descended from Adam and Eve who committed the first sin
Christians believe the devil's desire is to continue to tempt humans away from God in revenge for losing his wings because he was an angel archangel who disobeyed God