preferred stock is more risky than debt to investors
firms try to pay preferred dividend even though it's more risky than debt because if they don't, they can't pay common dividend, it's difficult to raise additional funds, and preferred stockholders may gain control of firm
preferred stock will often have a lower before tax yield than the before tax yield on debt because corporations own most preferred stock
rs is the marginal cost of common equity
rs using CAPM: rs = rrf + RPm(b)
rs using DCF: rs = D1/P0 + g
rs using Bond-Yield-Plus-Risk-Premium: rs = rd + RP
cost of retained earnings is cheaper than issuing new stock because they won't have to pay flotation costs
retained earnings with flotation cost equation: re = (D0(1+g))/(P0(1-F))+g
factors firms can't control that influence WACC: interest rates, tax rates
factors firms can control that influence WACC: firm's capital structure, firm's dividend policy, firm's investment policy