Reasons for non-adherence 1 and 2

Cards (17)

  • Why don’t people follow the advice of medical professionals?
    ·         Inconsistency in advice
    ·         Trust
    ·         Bad habits- might be hard to change
    ·         Is it feasible to follow advice?
    ·         Conflicting beliefs
    ·         Disagree
    ·         Personal ignorance
  • What are 1 and 2 reasons for non adherence?
    1. Stress
    2. Rational non-adherence
  • Stress as an explanation for non-adherence
    ·         People who are under stress are less likely to adhere to medical advice
    ·         People become stressed when they perceive that they cannot cope
  • Ways stress may occur
    • Stress from poverty
    • Non adherence is higher/worse in lower socioeconomic groups
    • Stress is closely associated with chaotic lifestyles
    • Being diagnosed can be stressful, and stress can make people disorganised
    • In these circumstances, individuals often forget to take their medication or find it hard to follow medical advice
  • Stressed clients
    Usually anxious, so their attention becomes narrower
  • When speaking to professionals, these individuals may
    • Latch on to key words and ignore the rest
  • What impact does stress have on your memory?
    Stress has a negative impact on your memory. Even if an individual understands the medical advice, adherence is impossible if they can’t remember it.
  • Strengths of non adherence due to stress
    Support for effectiveness: stress is a reason for non adherence.
  • Weakness of non adherence due to stress
    Although we know that stress impacts adherence short term, it Is unclear what the influence of stress is long term adherence
  • Rational non-adherence
    Sometimes individuals chose not to follow medical advice for reasons they believe are logical, well considered and make sense.
    A rational decision is based on weighing u the costs and benefits of following or not following medical advice
    The main benefit of adhering is that it reduces or eliminates the symptoms of an illness, disease or injury.
  • Potential costs of adhering to medical advice
    • Side effects
    • Financial barriers
    • Patient-practitioner relationship
  • Side effects
    • Medications causing dizziness or affecting appetite
    • Risk of injury from exercise
  • Financial barriers
    Some people do not adhere simply because they cannot afford it
  • Patient-practitioner relationship
    The level of trust a patient has in the professional affects how likely the individual is to adhere to medical advice
  • Practitioner centred approach vs a patient centred approach

    The approach taken by the practitioner can affect adherence to medical advice
  • Strengths of rational non adherence
    Rational factors do influence adherence. Eg: in Spain adherence decreased for expensive drugs once individuals had to start paying for them
  • Weakness of rational non adherence
    The approach assumes that the individual has logically weighed up the cost and the benefits- decisions are not typically made up this way.