Chapter 27

Cards (16)

  • “Ofglen and I are more comfortable with one another now, we’re used to each other. Siamese twins.”
  • “travelling smoothly along our daily track”
  • “A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.”
  • The sea fisheries went defunct years ago
  • “The library is like a temple.”
  • They're going to Heaven. Death is a beautiful women, with wings and one breast almost bare; or is that Victory? I can't remember.
    They won't have destroyed that.
  • Most of the stores carrying things for men are still open; it's just the one dealing in what they call vanities that have been shut down.
  • “It’s a franchise: there are Soul Scrolls in every city centre, in every suburb, or so they say. It must make a lot of profit.”
  • “There are five different prayers: for health, wealth, a death, a birth, a sin. You pick the one you want, punch in the number, then punch in your own number so your account will be debited, and punch in the number of times you want the prayer repeated.”
  • “At last Ofglen speaks “Do you think God listens,” she says, “to these machines?” (…) In the past this would have been a trivial enough remark, a kind of scholarly speculation. Right now it’s treason.”
  • “I could scream. I could run away. I could turn from her silently.”
  • “We have crossed the invisible line together”
  • “hope is rising in me, like sap in a tree. Blood in a wound. We have made an opening.”
  • “The sun is free, it is still there to be enjoyed.”
  • What I feel is relief. It wasn’t me.”
  • one of the Eyes moves in on him, does something sharp and brutal that doubles him over, into a limp cloth bundle.