“she’s cutting more, with a pairing knife, her large hands deft, indifferent.The rest of her body does not move, nor does her face.It’s as if she’s doing it in her sleep.”
“Rita rolls her eyes to the skyas if consulting silently with some deity there.”
“I am surprised: she doesn't usually offer me anything.Maybe she feels thatI’ve risen in status enough to be given a match”
“I could burn the house down.Such a fine thought, it makes me shiver.An escape, quick and narrow.”
"I like to do things right, is all," she says, grumpy again. "No sense otherwise."
filling me in a long richdirty cinnamon sigh
I don't need tosmoke this cigarette.
“Sometimes after a few drinks he becomes silly, and cheats at Scrabble. He encourages me to do it too, and we take extra letters and make words with them that don’t exist.”
His head a little below mine, so that when he looks up at me it's at a juvenile angle.It must amuse him, this fake subservience.
“It’s difficult for meto believe I have power over him, of any sort, but I do;although it’s of an equivocal kind.”
“He wants, all right.Especially after a few drinks.”
“I hold myself very still.I try to empty my mind.I think about the sky, at night, when there’s no moon.I have no opinion, I say.”
This lack of fearis dangerous
The main problem was with the men.there was nothing for them any more. [...] I mean there was nothing for them to do with women [...] the sex was too easy.Anyone could just buy it.There was nothing to work for, nothing to fight for.
“Better never means better for everyone, he says.It always means worse, for some.”
“You can’t make an omelettewithout breaking eggs, is what he says.We thought we could do better.”
“That’s where she was swinging, just lightly, like a pendulum, the way you could swing as a child [...] She was safe then, protected altogether"
“Sometimes I thinkshe’s still in here, with me.I feel buried.”