Single celled organisms such as protists and bacteria can detect changes in their environment and respond to stimuli using receptor proteins embedded in their cells membranes
Individual cells respond via receptors and signalling cascades but the responses of individual cells may accumulate - these are then converted to effector organs whose actions are coordinated by the nervous system to mediate a response
The DG (Dentate Gyrus), CA3 (Cornu Ammonis 3) and CA1 comprise the regions with neurons in layers and make a circular loop receiving information from layer 2 of the Entorhinal Cortex and returning it to the EC in layer 5
The ability for the brain or neuron's to adjust in response to a new situation or environment. Changes can strengthen or weaken signalling at a synapse
The hippocampus also plays a role in forming long-term memory which is stored in the cerebral cortex not the hippocampus. Some consolidation of memory (short-term to long-term) is thought to occur during sleep
The nervous system organisation of a being correlates with lifestyle. Sessile molluscs (like calms and chitons) have simple systems, whereas more complex molluscs ( like octopuses and squids) have more sophisticated systems
The cell body of the preganglionic neurons is located within the CNS. They extend a long axon to the postganlionic neuron located close to the target organ. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter
The preganglionic neuron is shorter originating within the spinal cord and synapse with the postganglionic neuron extending a long axon to the target organ. Catecholamines (epinephrine & norepinephrine) are the neurotransmitters