nervous and endocrine system

Cards (19)

  • the nervous system
    a complex network of nerve cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to different parts of the body
    allows different parts of body to communicate with each other
    -controlled by the brain , divided into the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System
  • central nervous system
    brain and spinal cord
  • neurons
    nervous system carries messages from one part of the body to another using individual nerve cells - neurons
    they transmit nerve impulses in the form of electrical signals
  • CNS 2 main functions
    the control of behaviour ad regulation of the body's physiological processes
  • the brain
    responsible for coordinating sensation, intellectual and nervous activity
    the centre of all conscious awareness
    brains outer later = cerebral cortex , highly developed in humans - distinguishes our higher mental functions from animals
    brain also regulates automatic functions that are essential for life
  • the spinal cord
    relays information from the brain to rest of the body
    allows brain to regulate bodily processes and to coordinate voluntary movements
    contains circuit of nerve cells that enable us yo perform some simple reflex's without the direct involvement of the brain
  • peripheral nervous system
    transmits messages to whole body to and from the brain
  • PNS 2 main divisions
    somatic = transmits and receives messages from the senses & directs muscles to react and move
    autonomic nervous system = regulates bodily actions without conscious awareness
  • ANS - sympathetic
    activated in situations that require energy
    causes increase in heart rate and breathing, decrease in digestion, blood flow is diverted to muscles, pupils dilate - fight or flight
  • ANS - parasympathetic 

    activated when body is trying to conserve energy and store resources
    heart rate and breathing decreases, blood flow diverted to digestive function
  • the endocrine system 

    the endocrine and nervous system work together ti regulate the physiological processes of the human body
    endocrine system uses blood vessels to deliver hormones to their target
  • what is the endocrine system
    a network of glands throughout the body that manufacture and secrete hormones
    hormones are chemical messengers that regulate the activity of cells in the body
    they are secreted directly into the blood stream where they travel to their 'target cells'
  • glands and hormones
    target cells respond to a particular hormone because they have receptors for that hormone
    cells that don't have a receptor cannot be influenced directly by that hormone
    when enough receptor sites are stimulated by hormones - it results in physiological reaction in the target cell
  • hypothalamus
    brain region controlling the pituitary gland
  • pituitary gland
    secretes many different hormones, some of which affect other glands
    'master gland'
    2 parts - anterior (front) releases ACTH as a response to stress , stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. produces LH and FSH - stimulate the ovaries/testis to produce oestrogen and progesterone / testosterone and sperm
    posterior (back) releases oxytocin which stimulates bonding between mother and infant
  • thyroid gland
    affects metabolism and other things
  • adrenal glands
    helps trigger fight or flight response
    2 adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys
    outer part - adrenal cortex = releases hormones necessary for life (cortisol)
    inner part - adrenal medulla = releases hormones that aren't necessary for life (adrenaline and noradrenaline)
  • pancreas
    regulates the level of sugar in the blood
  • ovary and testis
    secretes female and male sex hormone