Essay Structure

Cards (7)

  • 10 mark questions = 2 x PEST paragraphs
  • What does PEST stand for?
    P = point
    E = explain
    S = source
    T = link to topic (why it is useful)
  • 6 mark questions = 2 x PEST paragraphs
  • 25 marker questions =
    3 x PESTO (advantages) paragraphs
    3 x PESTA (disadvantages) paragraphs
    1 x Conclusion
  • What does PESTO/A stand for?
    P = point
    E = explain (define key term)
    S = source (example from source)
    T = topic (why it is important)
    O/A= overall or alternative (say how it is useful to the researcher/ or give a better method)
  • 4 markers = 2 bullet points ( comparing two groups/time periods) with one sentence explaining the trend and then the statistics from source (evidence) to support it
  • 25 markers should be answered in this order
    1. Theoretical x 2
    2. Practical x 2
    3. Ethical x 2
    4. Conclusion