Civilian experience

Cards (5)

  • Recruitment for civilians?
    Poor conditions - army strength bad due to desertion and lack of recruits
    pay was less than a labourer - had to pay for food and accommodations
    no permanent barracks
    disruption caused by soldiers in towns
    1757 militia act resented - caused riots
  • Requisitioning
    Ships, wagons, animals
  • Taxation
    Cost of army increased from 1 million to 8 million
    didn't impact much as population grew and standard of living improved
    taxes rose in wartime
  • War reporting

    1815 - 5000 copies of the times rose to 40000 in 1850
    william howard Russell - short dispatches (5 hours to arrive in london) daily
    boer war - 300 reporters
    roger fenton - photos of life of soldiers - many censored
    newspaper sales increase due to public interest
  • Public attitudes to war reporting
    Jingoism and imperialism due to success
    donations due to the press
    criticism of leadership in crimea
    times fund for the sick and wounded £5000 per week
    boer war - change due to poor quality of recruits