Cotton, Cattle, Railroad Vocabulary and Cattle Questions

Cards (18)

  • Reservations
    Areas of land reserved for Native Americans once they were removed from the frontier.
  • Commercial farming
    The growing of crops to sell at market
  • Barbed Wire
    Fencing with sharp points invented in the 1800's to keep animals from leaving or entering
  • Cattle Drives
    The process in which Cowboys moved herds of cattle to market for sale
  • Open Range
    A large area of grazing land without fences or barriers
  • Rural
    Large and open areas of isolated country with low population
  • Urban
    Relating to cities and towns
  • Buffalo Soldiers
    Regiments of African American soldiers that helped to protect Texans after the Civil War
  • Extinction
    The dying out or killing of an entire species
  • Cotton Gin
    A machine that separates the seeds, hulls, and foreign materials from cotton
  • Why did Americans come to Texas?
    fresh start, cattle ranching, cotton farms
  • Who named the Buffalo Soldiers?
    Cheyenne Indians
  • Why Buffalo Soldiers got their name?
    Out of respect and their fighting ability
  • Cynthia Ann Parker
    Child kidnapped by the Comanche Indians
  • Vaquero
    The first cowboys
  • Longhorn
    breed of cattle that developed as Spanish breeds mixed with English (Europe) cattle brought by U.S. settlers
  • Reasons cattle boom ended

    weather, cattle prices, railroads, barbed wire
  • Cowboy gear
    Saddle and rope