Rise of the Kingdom of Maynila under the Bolkiah dynasty
March 16, 1521
Ferdinand Magellan landed on Homonhon with three small ships: Concepcion, Trinidad, and Victoria. Magellan named the place the ArchipelagodeSanLazaro in commemoration of the feast day of SaintLazarus
Ferdinand Magellan arrived at Cebu with his expedition.
March 29, 1521
Blood Compact between Magellan and Rajah Kulambo of Limasawa
March 31, 1521
The first mass on Philippine soil was celebrated.
April 7, 1521
Magellan met Rajah Humabon of Cebu and entered into another Blood Compact.
Humabon and his wife were baptized into the Catholic Church.
April 27, 1521
Magellan was killed in the battle of Mactan.
Year 1526
Spain sent another expedition under Juan Cabot to the Philippines. The Cabot Expedition failed.
Year 1543
Spain sent a fifth expedition under RuyLópezdeVillalobos to the Philippines. The Expedition succeeded.
February 2, 1543
Villalobos arrived in the Philippines and named the islands of Samar and Leyte as LasIslasFilipinas in honor of the crown prince of Spain, PhilipofAsturias.
June 24, 1543
Legaspi established the Spanish Colonial Government in Manila and proclaimed it the capital of the colony.
August 20, 1572
Legazpi died, and GuidodeLavezaris succeeded him as Governor-General (1572–1575).
November 23, 1574
The Chinese pirate captain Limahong attacked Manila but failed.
December 2, 1574
Limahong once again attacked Manila with 1500soldiers but was defeated by the Spaniards.
December 1574
Lakandula led a short revolt against Spain.
Year 1579
The Diocese of Manila established
April 1580
King Philip II of Spain became King of Portugal, ending the Portuguese harassment of the Philippines.
Year 1580
The Spaniards instituted forced labor on all-male natives aged 16 to 60.
Year 1582
Battles took place between Spanish forces and Japanese Ronin.
Year 1592
Miguel de Benavides's Doctrina Christiana in Chinese published.
Year 1593
DoctrinaChristiana in Spanish and Tagalog published. It is an early book of the Roman Catholic Catechism written by FrayJuandePlasencia and believed to be one of the earliest books printed in the Philippines.
Year 1598
ColegiodeSantaPotenciana, the first school for girls in the Philippines, was established.
Year 1600
PedroBucaneg inscribed the oral epic Biag ni Lam-ang.