Key Terms

Cards (21)

  • Political Party
    A group of individuals with broad common interests who aspire (for the most part) to be in government
  • Party Functions
    • A political party's key roles, primarily contesting elections and seeking to hold power
  • Ideology
    Long term, coherent set of connected fundamental beliefs, values and principles underlying an idealised vision of what society should look like which guides one's action
  • Conservatism
    A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes
  • One Nation Conservatism
    A principle of conservative reformism born out of a belief in paternal duty, fear of social equality and values paternalism and pragmatism
  • Butskellite Conservatism
    The postwar consensus between Labour and the conservatives that endured until the 70s. Named after Rab Butler (Tory) and Hugh Gaitskell (Labour Leader) it focussed around welfare provision
  • Traditionalist Conservatism
    For monarchy, religion, and nationalism, in particular emphasizing the importance of custom, culture, tradition, and the welfare of "British Values" as the standard for political policies
  • Thatcherite Conservatism
    Conviction based policy of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Reducing state economic power and introduced free market and privatization with certain constraints. Deregulated the UK's market
  • Socialism
    A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production
  • Trade Unionism
    The idea of workers of a common trade organizing and working together to improve something about their job, raising from wages to hours to working conditions
  • Globalist Internationalism
    Collective sense that the world should work as one community for the best interests of all involved
  • Third Way Socialism
    A branch of socialism that accepts capitalism and aims to harness it to achieve equality of result
  • Democratic Socialism
    The idea that capitalism could be gradually reformed via democratic means to achieve a socialist state
  • Social Democracy
    Favours Greater government intervention to reduce gap between rich and poor within a free market system
  • Party Structure

    • Party organisation at a local and national level
  • Federalism
    A system in which power is divided between the national and devolved nations
  • Factionalism
    Party members forming a cohesive group within a political party representing a thread of thought
  • Hustings
    A set of speeches amongst the people
  • One Member, One Vote
    Casting a ballot with one vote per member producing a percentage for each candidate
  • Alternative Vote
    Voters mark in order of preference, where the bottom candidate is eliminated if no candidate wins outright and the process is repeated
  • Party funding
    • Methods that a political party uses to raise money for campaign and routine activities