ISO views a standard as a set of guidelines presented in a document
people on the other hand often view standards as things.
for every standard complied, there is a regulatory body
international electrotechnical commission 2020 mentioned that a document should be good for repetitive use
standards are used by institutions
if substandard, it may affect the quality to the consumer
cost cutting is the tend to purchase "items" of a lower monetary value, thus is not fitting to the "standard"
Purpose of healthcare informatics standards
to support interoperability
to guide safe, effective HI practice
Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged
compliance is mandatory adherence or regulation
Conformance is some kind of degree to which the requirements in a standard specification are met.
Models are representations of some aspect of the real world, show perspectives of a selected aspect, and may illustrate relationships
Models evolve as knowledge about the selected aspect changes and are dependent on the worldview of those developing the model.
Clinical-Information-System (CIS) Model is used to organize different concepts into a logical whole. Purpose of this model is to depict system components, influencing factors, and relationships that need to be considered when attempting to capture the complexities of professional nursing practice.
Grave's and Corcoran's Model is model placed data, information, and knowledge in sequential boxes with one-way arrows pointing from data to information to knowledge.
This model includes Management Processing to Data to Information to Knowledge
Graves and Corcoran's Model
Patricia Schwirian's Model of Nursing Informatics stimulate and guide systematic research in this specialty. Provided a framework for identifying significant information needs, which, in turn, can foster research
Turley's Model is that nursing science was a larger circle that completely encompassed the intersecting circles. Nursing informatics was the intersection between the discipline-specific science (nursing) and the area of informatics
Foundation of Knowledge by McGonigle and Mastrian is the base of this model showed data and information distributed randomly.GAthering of data and rending of plan
Empowerment Informatics Framework Model provides a framework where nurses use technology to:
Guide chronic illness interventions through the integration of patient self-management and nursing informatics
Focus on self-management research
Promote ethical technology use by practicing nurses
Theories are structure of textual, scholarly, academic setting
Novice to Expert Model - Stages of Clinical Competence: Benner a model in five stages of how people move from novice to expert through education and experiences.
Novice has little experience follows rules provided for each situation and is not flexible in real-life situations.
Advanced beginner stage has some experience can make some decisions regarding correct actions.
Competent stage With 2 to 3 years of experience, a learner can tell what is important and what is not important in assessing a given situation.
Proficient practitioner can see a situation in terms of the larger setting or environmental situation based on experience—use intuition in decision-making.
Expert can Intuitively understand a situation and immediately connects action to this understanding.
Chaos theory Understanding that consideration of small changes at the starting point can lead to differences in outcomes—such as attention to how medications might be documented in the new EHR.
Lewin's Force Field Analysis is the process of reviewing barriers to change.
Rogers Change Theory people go through stages when deciding to adopt an innovation such as an EHR or other changes; the people are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards
Cognitive Science is Understanding through assimilation of experiences improves memory and the ability to gain knowledge from an information system such as using a smartphone and computers; is part of social informatics; artificial intelligence.
A computer is a tool of this science, not its focus
Computer science has often crossed into other disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computational complexity theory, programming language theory, physics, information science, and linguistics.
General systems provide insight into the complexity of an information system by breaking things down into smaller parts in order to better understand a process to see how one might affect the other.
Standards of Practice Identifies how the informatics nurse and informatics nurse specialist are expected to incorporate the nursing process into all thinking and practice activities
Assessment addresses the collection of data, information, and emerging evidence as the first step of the nursing process.
Diagnosis, Problems, and Issues Identification calls for the informatics nurse to complete an analysis of the content derived from the assessment to identify diagnoses, problems, issues, and opportunities for improvement, linking this action with Standard 1.
Outcomes Identification describes how the informatics nurse identifies expected outcomes that then drive the development of an individualized plan to achieve those outcomes.
Planning identifies that the informatics nurse establishes details of the plan and associated activities aimed at achieving the delineated expected outcomes that the informatics nurse completes