first used in print by Lightner Witmer. It has similarities to medicine, education, and sociology
Clinical Psychology
first used in print by _ _. It has similarities to medicine, education, and sociology
Lightner Witmer
integrates science, theory and practice to understand, predict and alleviatemaladjustment, disability and discomfort as well as to promotehumanadaptation, adjustment and personaldevelopment.
Clinical Psychology
focuses on the intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social,
and behavioral aspects of human functioning
across the life span, in varying cultures, and at
all socioeconomic levels
Clinical psychology apa
branch of psychology that studies, assesses,
and treats people with psychological problems
or disorders.
Clinical Psychology
theoretical branch of psychology Focuses on psychopathology and
mental conditions.
Abnormal psychology
Focuses on treatment and therapy
Clinical Psychology
Mostly requires extensive research and training May directly be translated into one's profession
Clinical Psychology
Education and training in clinical psychology
Balancing practice and science
Leaning toward practice
Leaning toward science
Scientist Practitioner Model
Balancing practice and science
Boulder model is also called
Scientist Practitioner Model
Practitioner scholar model is also called
Vail model
Leaning toward practice
Practitioner scholar model
Clinical scientist model
Leaning toward science
individual trained in assessment and diagnosis, intervention or
treatment, consultation, research, and the
application of ethical and professionalprinciples
Clinical Psychologist
Clinical psychologists work with a range of
individuals, from infants to the elderly.
● They work in a large range of settings,
including universities, hospitals, private
practice offices ● Little medical training, extensive training in
psychotherapy or talk therapy.
● Focus on client autonomy and collaboration
with patient
Only New Mexico and Louisiana allow trained
clinical psychologists to prescribe medication
Regards psychopathology as an "illness" that
is biologically based and its causes can be
treated with medicine.
In the past, training was not the focus of the field, clinical psychologists focused on research.
offers more coursework directly related
to research and statistics
PsyD practitioner scholar vail model
emphasizes developing practical skills based
on published science.
Vail model
The Scientist-
Practitioner (BOULDER MODEL)
Taking PhD instead of EDd
This emphasizes both practice and research in clinical
The Scientist-Practitioner (BOULDER MODEL)
Research-oriented model of training
Clinical Scientist Model
Stresses the use of scientific methodologies to guide clinical practice. PhD
Clinical Scientist Model
Practitioner scholar model
More on clinical
More on research
Clinical Science model
In between model
Boulder scientist Practitioner model
Doctorate of Psychology Degree
Increasing experience in therapeutic
A dissertation is about a professionalsubject and not a research contribution.
Emphasis on the development of clinical
competence, de-emphasis on research
Seeking a model that deemphasized
research and placed greater emphasis in
clinical skills.
undoubtedly the most common
Doctor of philosophy
Intended for students interested in generating new
knowledge through scientific research and/or gaining
teaching experience.
In-depth education on research methods and statistics to produce new knowledge.
If you want to research to teach psychology at the
graduate level, a PhD can better prepare you for these
individual trained in assessment and diagnosis,
intervention or treatment, consultation,
research, and the application of ethical and
professional principles