
Cards (10)

  • guidelines of British Psychological Society
    -protection from psychological & physical harm
    -fully informed consent
    -avoiding deception
    -right to withdraw
  • protection from psychological & physical harm
    -study acceptable if risk of harm no greater than P likely to face in normal life & if Ps in same state after as were before
  • fully informed consent 

    -told aim of study
    -told what they're expected to do
    -so they can decide whether they want to participate
  • avoiding deception

    -sometimes necessary to deceive true aim > could alter behaviour & study becomes meaningless
    -Ps shouldn't deceive Ps without good cause
    -reasonably acceptable if withholds some details
    -true aims always revealed in debrief
  • right to withdraw

    -if uncomfortable/distressed can withdraw
  • confidentiality
    -remain anonymous
    -no names in results
    -known as numbers
  • how to deal with fully informed consent

    -Ps must be informed about true aims
    -complete consent form before study
    -sign they're happy to take part
  • dealing with deception/ungiven consent

    -Ps fully debriefed after study > told true aim
    -if not happy about being deceived, can withhold their data
  • when to read a debrief

    -read debrief to Ps before you analyse results
  • what to include in debrief

    -thank Ps
    -explain study's true purpose
    -explain different conditions
    -explain results you expect to find & why
    -enough detail a non-psychology student can understand
    -explain right to withdraw data
    -Ps should contact you if want to withhold data