The class of regular languages is closed under the operations:
Union, Intersection, Complement, Difference
Concatenation and Closure
Reverse Homomorphism and Inverse Homomorphism
How to: Take an automaton that recognizes L and another that recognizes M, and create the product automaton, choosing as nal states all the states from both initial automata (accept if any accepts)
How to: Take an automaton that recognizes L and another that recognizes M, and create the product automaton, choosing as nal states only formed by nal states from both initial automata (accept if both accept)
How to: Swap the nal and not- nal states of a (complete) DFA recognizing L
How to: L - M = L ∩ ¬M
How to: Let RL be the regular expression for L and RM for M. Then, the RE RLRM represents LM
How to: Let RL be the regular expression for L. Then, the RE RL* represents L*
The reverse of a language LR is the language that consists of the reverse of the strings of L.
REVERSE (cont.)
How to: Take an automaton that recognizes L and revert all the transitions. Mark the initial state as the unique accept state. Include a new initial state with transitions to all the former accept states.
An homomorphism is a function from symbols in strings to strings
The concept of inverse homomorphism involves applying a homomorphism in the reverse order, while still maintaining the regular property of the language