research design

    Cards (11)

      1. the sociologists perspective
      {factors affecting topic choice}
      • the theoretical viewpoint the sociologist has will affect what they want to study
      • ie marxists = interested in class inequalities in society
    • 2. societies values
      {factors affecting topic choice}
      • when values in society change, so does the focus of the research sociologists undertake
      • ie the increase of feminism in the 1960s led to more research on gender inequality
    • 3. practical factors
      {factors affecting topic choice}
      • practical factors can affect topic choice
      • these include time, funding, access, personal characteristics, trends in research
    • 4. funding bodies
      {factors affecting topic choice}
      • sociologists often need funding to cover the costs of their study
      • there are funding bodies who can provide economic support -> ie the social research council {ERSC}
      • the funding body may state what they want to be studied, as they are paying for the research
      1. formulation of a hypothesis
      {the research process}
      • a hypothesis is a general explanation that can be tested by collecting evidence that can be proved / disproved
      • presented as a statement -> "middle class students outperform working class students"
      • the sociologists will either confirm or disprove
      • favoured by positivists
      1. formulation of an aim
      {the research process}
      • more appropriate than a hypothesis in some situations
      • an aim is broader & outlines what the researcher intends to study
      • interpretivists favor this approach as it allows research to be guided by participants
    • 2. choice of method
      {the research process}
      • sociologists must choose their method
      • ie questionnaire, survey, observation etc
    • 3. operationalising concepts
      {the research process}
      • defining concepts & ideas in order to measure them
      • ie social class
    • 4. pilot study
      {the research process}
      • a pilot study is a draft version of the research which is carried out on a small sample
    • 5. data collection
      {the research process}
      • the research is carried out in full
    • 6. publish findings
      {the research process}
      • the sociologist interprets the data & analyses their data to identify their conclusions
      • a report will be written that details the research process
      • their findings will then be publishes