3.3.5 alcohols

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Cards (34)

  • in dehydration of alcohols alkenes are formed from alcohols
  • conditions for dehydration of alcohols:
    • concentrated sulphuric acid
    • hot
  • markpoints for dehydration of alcohols:
    m1: curly arrow from middle of e- on O to H+
    m2: positively charged O formed, curly arrow from bond between C and O to show bond breaking
    m3: carbocation intermediate formed, curly arrow from one C and H bond to form a C=C bond
  • primary tertiary and secondary alcohols are tested with warm acidified potassium dichromate and H2SO4
  • observation if a primary alcohol reacts with warm acidified potassium dichromate
    orange solution to green solution
  • observation if secondary alcohol reacts with warm acidified potassium dichromate
    orange solution to green solution
  • observation if a tertiary alcohol reacts with warm acidified potassium dichromate
    no visible change or remains an orange solution
  • what is formed if a primary alcohol is distilled
  • what is formed if a primary alcohol is heated under reflux
    carboxylic acid
  • what is formed if a secondary alcohol is heated under reflux
  • why are anti bumping granules used
    to increase surface area so small bubbles are produced to prevent glassware breaking
  • why is it important that the water direction in the condenser is correct
    so that the water fully fills to cool the tube and make sure all the product condenses
  • why is distillation needed when making aldehydes
    to remove aldehydes from the reaction as soon as it’s formed to prevent further oxidation
  • why is reflux needed when making carboxylic acid
    to ensure complete oxidation
  • when making ketones which heating method would you choose and why
    reflux , gives a higher yield and is a simpler lab process
  • oxidation equation for primary alcohols with distillation and gentle heat
    alcohol + [O] ——> aldehyde + water
  • if an aldehyde is further reacted with excess oxidation agent and under reflux what is the oxidation equation
    aldehyde + [O] ——> carboxylic acid
  • if an alcohol is refluxed with warm acidified potassium dichromate what is the oxidation equation
    alcohol + 2[O] ——> carboxylic acid + water
  • oxidation equation for secondary alcohols
    alcohol + [O] ——> ketone + water
  • what two reagents are use to test between aldehydes and ketones
    tollens reagent and fehlings solution
  • observation if aldehyde is present and reacts with tollens reagent
    silver mirror
  • observation if ketone is present and reacts with tollens reagent
    no visible change
  • observation if aldehyde is present and reacts with fehlings solution
    blue solution to brick red precipitate
  • observation if ketone is present and reacts with fehlings solution
    no visible change