Pacemaker cells decline in the SA node - affects response to stress
Respiratory rate and temperature
Changes in temperature regulation
Skin, hair, and nails
Skin becomes lax, loses turgor, wrinkles
Vascularity of dermis decreases
Actinic purpura - purple patches or macules
Nails lose luster, may yellow and thicken
Scalp hair loses pigment, normal hair loss elsewhere
Head and neck
Atrophy of bony orbit of eyes
Skin of eyelids become wrinkled
Soft bulges on lower lids
Dry eyes due to fewer lacrimal secretions
Cornea loses lustre
Eyes and visual acuity
Predisposed to glaucoma
Presbyopia - lens gradually loses elasticity, less able to accommodate and focus on nearby objects
Cataracts - thickening and yellowing of lenses
Macular degeneration - becoming more frequent, results in blindness
Irreversible, sensorineural hearing loss with age, more affected in men, loss occurs in higher range of sound
Diminished salivary secretions
Decreased olfaction and increased sensitivity to bitterness
Teeth may wear down, loss
"Purse-string" wrinkles
Angular chelitis - maceration of skin due to overclosure of mouth
Thorax and lungs
Capacity for exercise decreases
Chest wall becomes stiffer
Respiratory muscles weaken
Loss of elastic recoil
Cough becomes less effective
Cardiovascular system
Kinking or buckling of artery due to lengthening and tortuosity of aorta
Physiologic 3rd heart sound may persist as late as age 40
Maximum heart rate decreases, takes longer for heart rate and blood pressure to return to normal after exertion
Aorta and other arteries become thicker and stiffer, may increase systolic blood pressure
Heart valves thicken and stiffen, heart murmurs common
Pacemaker cells decline, may cause slower heart rate and heart block, more common arrhythmias
Baroreceptors become less sensitive, may cause orthostatic hypotension
Gastrointestinal system
Increased prevalence of atrophic gastritis and achlorhydria
Liver less efficient in metabolizing drugs and repairing damage
Diverticuli in colon may cause pain
Reduced peristalsis increases risk of constipation
Urinary system
Kidney mass and glomeruli decrease, reducing filtration and concentration
Reduced hormonal response and impaired salt conservation increases dehydration risk
Bladder capacity decreases, more residual urine and frequency, increases infections, incontinence, and obstruction
Male reproductive system
Reduced testosterone, testes atrophy and soften, decreased sperm production, seminal fluid decreases and becomes more viscous, erections take more time, refractory period after ejaculation may lengthen
Female reproductive system
Declining estrogen and progesterone, ovulation ceases, introitus constricts and loses elasticity, vagina atrophies, uterus shrinks, breasts become pendulous and lose elasticity
Musculoskeletal system
Skeletal muscles decrease in bulk and power, ligaments lose tensile strength, range of motion diminishes, subtle losses in height begin, significant shortening obvious in old age, kyphosis, flexion at knees and hips contribute to shortened stature
Nervous system
"Benign forgetfulness" - difficulty recalling names, details, slower data retrieval and learning, impaired complex task performance, slower motor responses, muscle wasting, benign essential tremor, diminished gag reflex
Immune system
Decline in immune function, trouble differentiating self from non-self, decreased antibody response, fatty marrow replacing red marrow, decreased vitamin B12 absorption, decreased ability to tolerate stress, decreased hormone levels