Midterms Part 5

Cards (14)

  • Industrialization - public health challenges

    • Sanitation
    • Overcrowding
  • Edwin Chadwick
    Secretary of England's Poor Law Commission
  • Wrote "Report on the Inquiry into Sanitary Conditions of the Laboring Population of Great Britain"
  • The "Report on the Inquiry into Sanitary Conditions of the Laboring Population of Great Britain" is considered to be the most important document of modern public health
  • Cholera outbreak
    Acute diarrheal caused by the infection of the intestines with Vibrio cholerae bacteria
  • Dr. John Snow
    Elucidate how cholera was transmitted by tracing the source which was actually a water pump
  • Dr. John Snow earned the distinction of being the "The Father of Epidemiology"
  • During this period various health allied fields were established and professionalized
  • Florence Nightingale
    Helped push the professionalization of nurses
  • Lilian Wald
    Introduced the concept of public health nursing while working with the poor in the US
  • Robert Koch
    Developed the field of Bacteriology
  • Koch's Postulates
    1. The microorganisms must be found in abundance in all organisms from the diseases but should not be found in health organisms.
    2. The microorganisms must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.
    3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
    4. The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, disease experimental host and identified as being identical to the original causative agent.
  • Louis Pasteur
    Challenged the predominant concept of spontaneous regeneration. His work ranged from fermentation, inoculation of vaccine against rabies and the killing of bacteria in milk which is known as "pasteurization".
  • 20th century - rise of many development of public health with social reforms