background radiation

Cards (6)

  • label
    A) natural
    B) added
    C) radiation
    D) around us
    E) all the time
    F) natural
    G) man made
    H) radon gas
    I) rocks
    J) building
    K) medical
    L) food
    M) cosmic rays
    N) rocks
    O) cosmic rays
    P) foods
  • label
    A) radon gas
    B) rocks and soil
    C) uranium
    D) decays
    E) radon gas
    F) alpha emitter
    G) dangerous
    H) inhaled
    I) cosmic rays
    J) sun
    K) protons
    L) atmosphere
    M) high speeds
    N) collide
    O) air
    P) gamma radiation
    Q) supernovae
    R) carbon 14
    S) all organic matter
    T) plants
    U) animals
    V) constant
    W) food
    X) drink
    Y) rocks and soil
    Z) potassium
    [) miniscule
  • label
    A) medical
    B) x rays
    C) ct scans
    D) tracers
    E) therapy
    F) waste
    G) not
    H) handling
    I) fallout
    J) weapons
    K) residue
    L) air
    M) explosion
    N) hiroshima
    O) low
    P) tested
    Q) accidents
    R) chernobyl
    S) rare
    T) catastrophic
    U) centuries
  • label
    A) subtracting
  • label
    A) geiger counter
    B) distances
    C) absorbed
    D) air
  • Air can absorb radiation
    1. Absorption by Molecules: when energy of radiation matches energy to excite electrons in molecules, radiation energy -> internal energy of molecules -> increased molecular motion & temperature.
    2. Scattering: direction of the radiation change & energy absorbed by the molecules (when similar wavelengths)
    3. Specific Absorption Bands: eg water vapor & ozone absorb radiation at particular wavelengths. eg, water vapor absorbs infrared radiation, ozone absorbs ultraviolet
    4. Particle Absorption: some dust, soot, pollutants absorb radiation