The significance and rationale of related literature and studies is to find out the similarities and differences between the past and present studies, to get ideas into the critical and controversial aspects of the problem
It guides the researcher on what to do on the mechanism of the research methods; this also provides the thoughts to advance with the study until its conclusion
Reading extensively will enrich your background knowledge on your research topic that will enable you to establish a good groundwork or course of your research endeavor
A whole list of literary materials including all books, journal, theses, and dissertations along with other sources mentioned above. References are arranged alphabetically in some papers or in order of sequence as it comes out in the paper. This holds the summary of the information of all of your sources.
Referring author within the main body of the text. Citations can be done by paraphrasing, summarizing, or through quotations. It can be written in the beginning of a text, between the text, or at the last part of the paragraph.
Restates another's idea (or your own previously published idea) in your own words. Paraphrasing allows you to summarize and synthesize information from one or more sources, focus on significant information, and compare and contrast relevant details.
Allows you to process a large amount of information quickly. Read the first sentence for each paragraph to get an overall understanding of what your reference is about.