An act of inquiry or investigation of real-life events, concerned with own experiences of a life event, and the aim is to interpret what has been said in order to explain why it is said
Qualitative research is important practically because most things cannot just be quantified: they need to be described. Appreciating the nature of life and experience is vital than simply counting things. We need to understand the quality of some things in order for them to have meaning.
Designed to present things or events that have happened in the past through a logical progression of the relevant information. The main purpose of a narrative report is to present a factual depiction of what has occurred.
Classroom-based or school-based research seeks transformative change through the process of taking action and doing research, which are linked together by critical reflection. This type of research is commonly conducted by the teachers to give solutions to the existing problems to improve students' academic performance and positive attitudes.
Find background information about your chosen topic (Review of Related Literature)
Plan your research design including your sample (Methodology)
Gather necessary data using open ended questions (for qualitative research) and closed-ended questionnaire or paper pencil test questionnaire (for quantitative research) (Data Gathering Activities)
Process and analyse data using thematic analysis (for qualitative research) and statistical tools (for quantitative research)
Formulate new insights gained (for qualitative research) conclusions (for quantitative research) and recommendations
Moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected as natural and legal rights. They constitute a set of rights and duties necessary for the protection of human dignity, inherent to all human beings.
The use or production of copyright-protected material without permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights accorded to the copyright holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are breached by a third party.
People must not be coerced into participating in research process. Prospective research participants must be informed about the procedures and risks involved in research and must give their consent to participate.
The protection of people's identity through not disclosing their name or not exposing their identity. It is a situation in data gathering activities in which informant's name is not given nor known.
Someone's right to keep his personal matters and relationships secret. It is the ability of an individual to seclude him from disturbance of any research activity.
Research Misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism. It doesn't include honest error of differences of opinion. It can erode trust between researchers and funding agencies, which make it more difficult for colleagues at the same institution to receive grants.
The act of using another person's ideas, works, processes, and results without giving due credit. It should not be tolerated as the unauthorized use of original works, a violation of intellectual property rights.